Having trouble picking up lambs in first side quest
under review
Marc Morcos
I had this bug. Had to restart the lamb game. Then the instructions custscene played (it didn't play the first time), then I could pick up the lambs while they ate
Joseph Cornelius
I have yet to see a single "circle timer" near any lamb, nor can I "rush" in this demo. Setting the "sprint" button does not seem to be an option. If I am doing something wrong, I'd like to know what it is! Also, I have yet to see a single wolf, and I don't seem to have an option to set the keys to "aim" and to "throw".
Eric Maring
I hear the sound of a wolf around me but do not see one and this causes the lambs to stay in constant panic mode.
Bible X
under review
Winged Paladin
You pick up the lambs that stop in the feeding stations. Look for the yellow icon that appears with the circle timer around it and rush toward that lamb!